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How to enroll in Canadian Public High School(With ranking or Canadian Public High School)[Detail]

Case Study: Applicant S, a former English-language student who had studied in Canada and had spent several years in Canada, was forced to leave for certain reasons and was canceled.[Detail]

On November 28, Shannon Bracken, manager of the International Admissions and Market Development Department at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT),[Detail]

Maclean Magazine 2018 University Rankings Percentage of international students at major Canadian universities (based on 2016 data).[Detail]

Many Canadian colleges and universities usually work with universities and will launch a series of dual admission majors, which we usually refer to as 2 + 2 courses.[Detail]

​The strike in College College in Ontario, which lasted more than a month after the strike, has finally come to an end. Over 12,000 professors,[Detail]

2017/12/7 7:51

7月12日,最新的EE快速通道抽签分数出炉,为440分,抽签人数为3202人。对比起上一轮6月28日的抽签分数449分,下调了9分,抽签分数有所回调。 继6月28日的抽签分数暴涨至449分后,很多申请人忧虑EE抽签分数会一直上涨,但是根据这周最新的抽签结果显示,抽签分数所回落。[Detail]


2017/12/6 13:30

加拿大人均公共教育投入是世界上最高的国家之一。公民或永久居民及其子女从小学到中学全部享受免费教育。政府对高等教育也有很高的津贴。 和国际留学生比较,移民或者公民在加拿大读书,费用相当低廉。[Detail]

根据胡润百富在2016年3月25日发表的《2016留学趋势特别报告》, 留学人数呈现上升趋势, 加拿大、美国、澳大利亚和英国依然是中国留学生的首选留学国家。从2011年至2015年,留学人数每年增加约50%,截止2015年10月,共有52.37万人出国留学。[Detail]