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With the outbreak and spread of new coronavirus in the world, many countries have banned unnecessary gatherings of residents.[Detail]

It's the annual tax return season again. I believe that more and more international students have heard that they need to file taxes when they are studying.[Detail]

As we all know, Canadian universities have higher education levels and rich learning resources.[Detail]

We all know that Canada has many top-ranked universities in the world, but do you know where these studies are located?[Detail]

Business, business, what do we often learn about studying business? E-Canada School in a previous article mentioned that business is a relatively popular major.[Detail]

Under the trend of globalization, people can no longer be limited to living in one place, they can go to the whole world, thus expanding their horizons.[Detail]

It is well known that resumes and cover letters are used to apply for jobs.[Detail]

There are many majors that may be popular now, but due to the influence of technology or social trends, these popular majors may not necessarily flourish in the next few years.[Detail]

As the so-called famous teacher outsmarts, the importance of a knowledgeable teacher for talent training.[Detail]

In our life, we will face many important choices. One of them is to choose the major or career you want to study in the third year of high school.[Detail]