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60 Schools,900 Programs

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School Profile:

Jean Vanier Catholic High School is a Catholic community school devoted to academic excellence. Through different learning experiences, students will gain the quest for spiritual, intellectual, physical and social growth. Our graduates will acquire the necessary academic, informational and spiritual skills to become lifelong learners and active contributors to the church and society.


Sacred Heart CHS Sacred Heart High School

Founding year  1979

code of Conduct

Sacred Heart Catholic High School is a school that promotes community, responsibility, respect and academic excellence in a safe learning environment. All students, parents, teachers and employees have the right to be safe and feel safe in the school community. With this right, it is the duty to become law-abiding citizens and responsible for keeping other people and their own security at risk.


All members of the Sacred Heart community will be treated with respect and dignity, showing respect and responsibility as students prepare for school, being prepared on time, showing respect for themselves, and for others and authority, and avoiding anything Into school, thereby endangering the safety of others; follow established rules, responsible for their own behavior.



The Divine Hearts Pastor Team plays a central role in helping to promote the community of schools that are Christ-centered activities and events. Our team plans our celebrations of religious beliefs, school crowds and ceremonial calendars. Students feel free to come and chat with pastor team members at any time. Students are encouraged to participate in the ceremonial life of the school - from reading the morning's reflection, to helping the people and school etiquette.


Each student participates in a scheduled reflection and retirement experience each year. Pastor's office helps to coordinate the nascent peer course. This guidance involves high school students showing new facilities to their new students and explaining various school groups and clubs through our S.M.A.S.H. program.

Equal educational opportunities


The policy of our schools, the Ontario government, and the Board of Trustees of York Catholic School is to provide equal educational opportunities for all students. Sacred Heart Catholic High School is committed to creating an environment without stereotypes or prejudices and may limit the development of individual students. It defines the individual, cultural, emotional and spiritual needs of students and points to different needs and future education.

Library Resource Center


The School Library Information Center is part of the education program for the Board of Education of the Catholic District of York. Teachers - Librarians Work with major teachers to focus on the information literacy skills necessary to develop and implement successful student achievement. Information literacy refers to the ability to acquire, critically select and effectively use and disseminate information in a way that promotes knowledge, higher levels of thinking, and intelligence. The Information Studies course taught by the School Library Information Center emphasizes the development of research, presentation, information and electronic literacy skills. In addition, faculty-librarians ensure that staff and students are provided with robust prints to meet the needs of a variety of curricula. Students become more capable users of information to better successfully perform the research tasks required for the course. The teaching program at the School Library Information Center also fosters life-long literacy and a love of reading. This is accomplished by creating a dynamic teaching environment that reflects the values of our Christianity and the expectations of Ontario Catholic College graduates.

School organization


Each day consists of four classes 75 minutes and lunch time. The schedule is divided into two semesters of all grades. The first semester runs from September to the end of January; students in Year 9, Year 10, and Year 11 in the second semester of June to June enroll in 8 credits each year. Students who receive 24 credits at the end of Year 11 are eligible to study each term in Year 12.