

Canada: 905-604-7633   China Direct: 950-405-55808
60 Schools,900 Programs,Free apply

60 Schools,900 Programs

Multi languages,Free apply


950-405-55808(China Direct)

Basic Information

Enrollment grade: grades 9-12

School Address: 50 Winterton Drive Toronto, ON.M9B 3G7

Number of students: 1300

Enrollment period: non-semester schools, each school in September


school introduction

Founded in 1966, the Martingrove Collegiate Institute is unique in traditional disciplines, intern teaching, music, theater, visual arts and various science and technology courses. The academic excellence of the school, more than 80% of graduates each year, smooth entry to universities and colleges, and two-thirds of graduates graduated from the "Ontario scholar," the honorary title. The school has a well-established college prep course (AP). Advanced skills courses in medical and first aid are well received by students and parents. School newspaper "Martingrove Beacon" has won 15 "Outstanding High School Press Awards" in Toronto since 2002. More than 25% of students choose music courses, traditional wind instruments and orchestral classes are the strengths of the school.


Featured Programs

Advanced skills courses: first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, disease control and other courses

AP Courses: English, French, Art, History, Chemistry, Biology, Advanced Functions, Calculus

Practice teaching

ESL course


School clubs and extracurricular activities: Dance clubs, drama clubs, visual art clubs, photography clubs, fashion clubs, movie clubs, pottery clubs, animation clubs, robotics clubs, business clubs, science clubs, social justice clubs, environmental clubs and other clubs Extracurricular activities

Sports: Baseball, Cheerleading, Hockey, Dragon Boat, Rugby, Soccer, Swimming, Athletics, Volleyball and other sports