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60 Schools,900 Programs

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  • 2022/5/15 8:35
  • 留学霸
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Now more and more students choose to study abroad at a younger age. They come to Canada to study in junior high school or even elementary school. There are also some high school students who are just in the second or third year of high school. 

In fact, if high school students want to study in Canada, they do not need to complete the college entrance examination before they can enter a university. At present, some famous Canadian universities have opened bridge courses. These courses can provide senior high school students who did not take the college entrance examination or even senior two students to enter Canada. An excellent opportunity for a famous university to make more students achieve a gorgeous turn!


Bridge Course Features

1. It can provide opportunities for high school students who cannot meet the requirements for direct admission to universities to enter famous universities

2. Provide preparatory courses (UTP Stage 1)

3. Offers a first-year university course (UTP Stage 2)

4. After completing the freshman course and reaching the corresponding GPA, students can enter the second year of the docking university

5. Small class sizes

6. Sharing University facilities and services

7. Students can receive dual admission offers at the same time

Connected Universities

There are currently four prestigious Canadian universities offering such bridge courses, including Laurier University in Ontario, Ryerson University, Simon Fraser University in BC, and the University of Manitoba in Manitoba.

Laurier University (Ontario)

Wilfrid Laurier University. Not only has the school ranked first among Canadian comprehensive universities for student satisfaction for four consecutive years (according to Maclean’s magazine: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 data), but its business school also has the most co-op business programs in Canada .

Laurier University (WLU) was founded in 1911 and was named after the seventh Canadian Prime Minister, Wilfrid Laurier. WLU is located in Canada's most prosperous Great Lakes region. The main campus is located in Waterloo, Ontario, across the road from the University of Waterloo. Laurier University can also be said to be the twin brothers of the University of Waterloo, and they have a deep connection in history. Only 1 hour drive from Toronto and 1.5 hours drive from Niagara Falls.


Ø Canada's "Students Choose Laurier University Satisfaction" ranked first (according to the Canadian authoritative education journal "MacLean Magazine" annual ranking: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017)

Ø Ranked No. 1 in Canada's National Career Services for Students (CERIC), the highest score among Canadian universities, and an impressive career service model

Ø Ranked #1 in Canada for "Accommodation" and "Extracurricular Activities" (according to Maclean's Magazine: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017)

Ø Ranked #1 in Canada for "Teachers" (according to Maclean's Magazine: 2020)

Ø Ranked #1 in Canada for "Student Life Staff" and "Administrators" (according to Maclean's Magazine: 2020, 2019, 2018)

Ryerson University (Ontario)

Ryerson University, located in the center of Toronto, Canada's largest city, is a typical urban university. The school's predecessor, the Ryerson Institute of Technology, was founded in 1948 and officially changed its name to Ryerson University in 2002. As the university with the largest number of undergraduate graduates among Canadian universities, its teaching tenet is "learning knowledge through practice". Many students choose Ryerson University because not only can they fully practice, but the courses offered by the school provide them with broad prospects for future employment.


Simon Fraser University (BC)

In the 2022 Canadian Comprehensive University Ranking List published by Maclean's Magazine, an authoritative Canadian educational journal, Simon Fraser University (SFU) continued to top the list. The school has topped the list for eight consecutive years since 2015!


University of Manitoba (Manitoba)

The University of Manitoba is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The University of Manitoba was founded in 1877. The main campus covers an area of 680 acres. It is a public comprehensive research university and one of Canada's top universities. It is the most famous and largest university in Manitoba, Canada. Nearly 150 years of school history, all kinds of majors are complete. Perennially ranked in the top 15 medical doctoral universities in Canada. The University of Manitoba is well-known in Canada and around the world as a member of Canada's top research university organization (U15) and the Association of Canadian Colleges and Universities (AUCC). The university's engineering department is nationally renowned, and the medical school, agricultural school and Asperger School of Business are the best schools in Canada, with medicine and pharmacy ranked 91st in the world and business school ranked 89th in the world.




The bridge course is divided into two stages, the first stage is the university preparatory course (UTP Stage 1), and the second stage is the freshman course study (UTPStage 2). In Stage 1, students are usually required to study 8 academic courses over two semesters (four months per semester, 4 courses). After successful completion of the first stage of the course, you can progress to the second stage.

After successfully completing the second stage of the course, students can progress to the second year of the docking university.

The academic directions of bridge courses are usually popular majors, including IT, business, media, engineering, health, and social sciences. For the specific bridge courses offered by each university, please consult us for more details.

Entry Requirements

Bridge courses have different high school grade requirements for high school students in different countries. Please contact us for more detailed requirements.

English requirements

Students can choose to take one of the language exams such as IELTS or TOFEL, and currently the Duolingo exam (85/95) is also available. If these exams are not taken, students can also take the English proficiency test organised within the school.
