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  • 2022/5/15 10:13
  • 留学霸
  • view:504

In May, overseas students who applied to study in Canada also began to receive study permit approval letters from IRCC! Congratulations to the students who have been approved. This is the first step to start studying in Canada. What should I do next? We summarizes the top ten points for international students to pay attention to after coming to Canada. These are the key contents.

01 Get the student visa

Students whose study permit application has been approved must remember to obtain a study permit, commonly known as a study permit paper, at the first entry point in Canada when entering Canada.

This document is very important and is the student's identity proof in Canada. It must be kept within the validity period while studying in Canada. Students should check whether the above information is accurate after receiving the study permit, including your name, date of birth, etc.


(Sample Study Permit)

02 Early registration and course selection

Please be sure to pay the tuition fee before the start of the semester, and the school registration can be completed only after paying the tuition fee. It is also best to choose courses in advance, especially for post-secondary students (college and university), who usually have their own student accounts, and can choose the courses they plan to take this semester in advance in the account.

03 Regular attendance, do not fail the tests

Try not to ask for leave during your studies, ensure normal attendance, complete your usual homework on time, and try not to fail your tests. In short, it is to study hard, which is not only helpful for further studies, but also will not cause trouble when renewing your study permit in the future.

04 Suspension of up to 150 consecutive days

If international students need to suspend their studies due to their special circumstances, they can suspend their studies for a maximum of 150 consecutive days.

05 Pay attention to the expiry date of your study permit, and renew it in advance

A study permit will indicate the validity period of the study permit. This document is very important and is the student's identity proof in Canada. It must be kept within the validity period while studying in Canada. If students want to continue their studies, they must remember to renew their study permit before it expires.

06 Save the confirmation letter of submission for study permit renewal application

After submitting the application for renewal of your study permit, IRCC will send the applicant a confirmation letter of submission. With this submission confirmation letter, you can legally study while the renewal is pending.

07 Pay attention to the expiration date of the student visa, and renew it in advance

A student visa is a visa page attached to the student's passport, also called an entry-exit visa, which is used for entry and exit. Therefore, even if international students have obtained a study permit, they still need to show the student visa when they want to return to Canada in the future. If the student visa expires, even if the study permit is valid, you will not be able to enter Canada.

Applying for the renewal of the student visa usually requires the renewal of the study permit as one of the supporting documents, so if the international students have entry and exit needs, they must plan the time arrangement.


(Sample of student visa)

08 Working hours of post-secondary students

If you are an international student studying an academic program at a Canadian post-secondary college or university, you can work in the following situations without applying for a separate work permit:

1) Part-time during the semester (up to 20 hours/week)

2) Full-time during winter and summer vacations (40 hours/week)

09 Post-secondary student co-op work permit

If you are an international student studying  academic program in a Canadian post-secondary college or university, you also need to pay attention to whether your academic program includes a co-op internship. If it does, you need to apply for a co-op work permit before you do the co-op internship.

10 Post-secondary students apply for PGWP after graduation

Post-secondary students who only apply for one-year academic program  can only get a one-year PGWP work permit after graduation. If you want to get a three-year PGWP work permit, you can choose to take another academic program for at least one year. This will allow you to get a three-year PGWP work permit.

The above are the ten key points that international students need to pay attention to during their studies. According to the different circumstances of each student, there may be more problems in various aspects, especially for international students who have immigration plans in the future, they need to pay more attention to many problems. If you don't pay attention and violate certain policies issued by IRCC, you may face troubles. 

If you plan to study in Canada or have already studied in Canada, and if you have more questions, please contact us. We provide a one-stop planning service for study abroad and immigration, and will use our 18 years of experience to help you find the best solution for study abroad and immigration.