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60 Schools,900 Programs,Free apply

60 Schools,900 Programs

Multi languages,Free apply


950-405-55808(China Direct)


  • 2018/3/13 14:31
  • 留学霸
  • view:1238

In 2018, in line with the wish of serving a large number of international students, we wrote and printed the "2018 Canadian International Student Handbook," which covers the details of the 20 plates that the Canadian students care about, including the following: Canadian traffic/weather/law/ Safety handbook, entry notes/baggage list, how to choose the school and professional/accommodation arrangement/advance transfer, how to apply for a driver's license, student welfare, visa application for foreign students, transfer of foreign students, etc., to provide a large number of the latest and most practical Information for students studying abroad is a must-have utility for Canadian students studying abroad.

The "2018 Canadian International Student Handbook" is a guide and a sincere gift. We are now distributing this handbook to our readers. We hope that we can answer doubts and provide help for the early Canadian classmates and parents!


How can I receive it for free?


If you want to receive the "2018 Canadian International Student Handbook" physical print version


Please move to our office for free at: 7300 Warden Avenue, Unit 403, Markham, ON, Canada, L3R 9Z6 (Warden Clip Denison)



If you want to receive the 2018 Canadian International Student Handbook electronically


To log in to our website or, simply leave your name and e-mail to receive the electronic version of the manual for free (the "Free Receipt" page is at the bottom left of the page).


Please note that the "2018 Canadian International Student Handbook" is completely free of charge and does not charge any fees. It only provides readers with useful information and no one may use it for commercial purposes. If you and your parents have other questions regarding study abroad and immigration, please call (905) 604-7633. We have a professional study and immigration consultant to provide you with free advice!



1. 宝迪学院(Bronte College)2018年夏令营活动现在开始报名!!

2. ALI 麦吉尔大学(McGill University)2018年夏令营现在开始火热报名啦!

3. 多伦多教育局(TDSB)2018年夏令营现在开始火热报名啦!


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