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  • 2018/3/16 14:27
  • 留学霸
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Now we are following the fifth article. Today we will discuss how to quickly train my English and how to integrate it into Canadian society as soon as possible.

Top Ten Frequently Asked Questions for International Students

1. If I don't speak English well, can I apply for high school or university in Canada? Can you keep up with the teacher?

2. If I enter a university or a major that I don't like, can I change it?

3. After graduating from high school in Canada, do I still need college entrance examination or TOEFL/IELTS scores?

4. What is the ranking of Canadian universities and how can I choose a Canadian school?

5. Can I still enroll in a good university in Canada if I am not in the national college entrance exam? What should I do?

6. If I'm not ready to go to Canada to study but want to experience it first, what are the best ways to do it?

7. How to quickly develop my English and how to integrate into Canadian society as soon as possible?

8. What are some things to note when studying in Canada?

9. Can I legally work during reading? How to apply for immigration after graduation?

10. Which province in Canada has the most immigration policy for foreign students?


Many overseas students are worried that their English level is too low to go abroad and cannot keep up with the rhythm of classes and the focus of teachers’ classes. Many overseas students have a problem. How do you train your English quickly and how can you integrate it into Canadian society as soon as possible? Studying abroad today to share with you some of the English learning experience.


1. Reasonably arrange for learning English time.


For students who are going to study abroad, they should spend at least 3 hours a day learning English. And every day needs a reasonable time to learn and review. English learning can be divided into spoken language learning, listening and word recitation exercises.


2. The improvement of English listening can be done through a good-looking foreign film.


Many conversations in American dramas and English plays are very routine and are very suitable for students' listening and speaking training. So learning English by watching American drama is also a very good way. When watching a movie, it's not a good idea to read it over and over again. Usually recommended

The method is to find a favorite American drama. The first time you read it with Chinese subtitles, you can understand the story and the main content inside, and satisfy your own curiosity. In the second pass, the Chinese and English subtitles are read. If the words are not known, they are immediately written down and the usage and meaning of the word are known. Do not read the subtitles when you read the third time, and you should begin to understand why the hero wants to speak English and how to use English. Also, when watching foreign films, you can also imitate the protagonist's spoken language at the same time, and try to speak for yourself. Moreover, you can also adjust your English pronunciation and intonation by imitating the pronunciation of the American drama.


3. Expand your own word volume.


You can prepare a small notebook that remembers words, and then specify the English articles that you need to read every day. If there are new words that you do not understand, write them on the word book. Each day is about 30 words. After a period of time, you can accumulate them. English vocabulary will improve.


4. Listen more to podcast or Audiobook


If students are already abroad, students can be advised to listen more to Podcast or Audiobook. Because the above material is very novel and it is very good for listening practice. Also, students can choose the category of Podcast and Audiobook they want to listen to based on their interests. This is very helpful for the improvement of students' listening ability.


The following is a free practical English dry goods shared by overseas students. I hope you like it!


1. Grammarly


This is a very famous website


(1) Check the grammar for you and effectively summarize people's most common mistakes.


(2) Check the article for plagiarism.


(3) Expand vocabulary - There are different suggestions for different types of articles, such as academics, job applications, resumes, medical or technical reports, and e-mail.




If you need some synonyms, you can find it on this site. He is now the largest free internet English dictionary in the world.




This is a literary sharing website in the United States. It provides analysis of novels and articles, and writes features for students who do not understand English articles.。


4. StoryCorps


Unlike English, an English listening comprehension textbook or English news official English, StoryCorps is a real English conversation site. Through this video that tells real life stories, you can practice how to understand the real English spoken by foreigners. Experience valuable experience and philosophy from different backgrounds.


Similarly, when you do not understand, you can refer to the text interview record to understand the video content and make it easier to learn English.




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