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  • 2018/3/20 14:03
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Now we continue with the ninth article. Today we will discuss - Can we work legally during reading? How to apply for immigration after graduation?

Top Ten Frequently Asked Questions for International Students

1. If I don't speak English well, can I apply for high school or university in Canada? Can you keep up with the teacher?

2. If I enter a university or a major that I don't like, can I change it?

3. After graduating from high school in Canada, do I need to take the college entrance examination or TOEFL/IELTS score in college?

4. What is the ranking of Canadian universities and how can I choose a Canadian school?

5. Can I still enroll in a good university in Canada if I am not in the national college entrance exam? What should I do?

6. If I'm not ready to go to Canada to study but want to experience it first, what's a good idea?

7. How to quickly develop my English and how to integrate into Canadian society as soon as possible?

8. What are some things worth noting when studying in Canada?

9. Can I legally work during reading? How to apply for immigration after graduation?

10. Which province in Canada has the most immigration policy for foreign students?

Many students are worried about how to work legally during reading. How should immigrate after graduation? So studying abroad today to help people answer it!


School work

Foreign students who meet the following conditions can work in the institutions they are studying at:

1. Hold a valid scholarship;

2. To study full-time at the designated college of Canadian immigration authorities (designatedleaning institution);

**Usually all Canadian public colleges and universities are listed in the post-secondary institutions designated by the Canadian Immigration Bureau;


Off-campus work

Canada stipulated before June 1, 2014 that all international students must apply for an off-campus work permit when they are required to work outside the school during their studies. However, after the cancellation of the regulations after June 1, 2014, under the new regulations, if international students meet certain conditions, they do not need to apply for an off-campus work permit, and they can only legally work by having a study permit (study permit).

What are the basic conditions for international students to work?

1. Hold a valid scholarship;

2. Study full-time at designated leaning institution designated by the Canadian Immigration Bureau;

3. Start the professional course study (not ESL English training);

Of course, the Canadian Immigration Bureau, in order to ensure that international students do not affect learning while working, sets a limit of up to 20 hours per week. However, this restriction is only during the normal semester. During the normal summer vacation, winter vacation and spring break, international students can work full time. Work (usually 40 hours per week).


Internship Work Visa Co-op work permit

During the period of international student's reading, there is another type of work ticket called the co-op work permit. The work permit is not for all international students to apply for, and the internship must be required in the professional course setting. This visa requires a separate application. The conditions for applying are:

1. Hold a valid study permit.

2. Be able to provide proof letters issued by the school (internships must be an important part of the professional courses studied in Canada);

3. The portion of the internship cannot exceed 50% of the entire professional study.


The above is a detailed explanation on how to work during the period of study. Now that the problem has arisen, how do you apply for immigration after graduation?


Basically, immigrants applying for international students are basically Canadian-type CEC immigrants, provincial-nominated immigrant students, and employer-guaranteed immigrants. Before the students can meet the standard immigration, they must have certain working experience in Canada to apply for immigration, except for graduate students and doctoral students. Then we now look at how to apply for a working visa after graduation!


Postgraduate work visa Post graduate work permit

After graduation, international students can apply for a post-graduation work permit and work in Canada legally. After the applicant submits his/her application, the Department of Immigration will issue work visas of different duration according to the applicant's length of study time. The conditions for applying for a graduation certificate are:

1. The length of the project that the applicant has studied is not less than 8 months and it is a full-time study;

2. Applicants must graduate from public colleges and universities in Canada. Some private schools can also meet the conditions;

3. Must finish school and get a qualification diploma issued by the institution;

4. Must apply within 90 days after the school issued a diploma or transcript;

5. Must apply within the validity period of the scholarship;


What needs to be emphasized here is that the validity period of the graduation certificate issued by the Immigration Bureau is determined by the length of the school's development of the learning program (not the length of time the applicant has studied).

1. No application can be made if the study time is less than 8 months;

2. The duration of the study program is more than 8 months and less than 2 years. The validity period of the graduation certificate is the same as the study time.

3. The duration of the study program is greater than or equal to 2 years, and the validity of the graduation certificate is 3 years (up to 3 years);

At present, the time required for the graduation work permit is long, and it takes 4-5 months. However, it is legal for international students to work legally during the period when they submit their application and wait for the graduation certificate.


Here we briefly introduce the immigration program of the most foreign students, Canadian experience class immigration CEC.


Experienced immigrants are also referred to as CECs and are a form of immigration under the EE (Rapid Immigration) system.

Application conditions:

• During the first three years of application, there must be one year (or part-time equivalent to full-time) work experience. Work experience needs to meet one of NOC 0, A, B in the national occupational category;

• Meet certain language requirements: NOC 0, Class A Occupation: Minimum language requirement is CLB 7 (equivalent to IELTS listening, speaking, reading, and writing 4 are all 6 points); NOC Class B Occupation: Language minimum requirement is CLB 5 (equivalent to IELTS listening, speaking and writing 5 points, reading 4 points)

• Plan to live in a province other than Quebec

Note: Both self-employment and student work (including internships) cannot count as immigration work hours.

Experienced immigrants are the main route for international student immigration in Canada. Experienced immigrants need to enter the EE system for scoring on January 1, 2015. The Immigration Bureau will conduct an invitation every two weeks or so, so far, the minimum number of invitations. It is divided into 413 points.



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