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  • 2018/5/16 8:27
  • 留学霸
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Business school has always been one of the most popular majors among international students. Many students choose to study in Canada majoring in economics, finance, accounting, management and other business majors. Canada has three top business schools, ranking high in the world, and high employment rates after graduation. They are the ROTMAN Business School at the University of Toronto, the SCHULICH Business School at York University and the IVY Business School at the University of Western Ontario. Today we are going to introduce these three top business schools!

University of Toronto Rotman School of Business (13th in North America)


School Introduction: The Rotman School of Management is the leading business school in North America and even the world. The first place in Canada Business School. Its original "Integrative Thinking Model" combines various disciplines in modern management theory and integrates knowledge and skills such as finance, finance, market, organization, strategy, and operations. It aims to cultivate high-quality and thoughtful thinking. , global strategic vision of management personnel. More than 8,000 graduates hold leadership positions in companies and other institutions in 73 countries around the world. The local financial industry in Canada has an extremely extensive alumni network and far-reaching influence.

Feature: The biggest feature is the full development of the financial profession, but this is also related to the geographical location. Toronto is the third largest financial center in North America. Rotman is adjacent to Bay Street, Toronto's financial street. The relationship is equivalent to Columbia University and Wall Street. Rotman's employment in the past two years is still good. It is the only one in Canada who dares to provide detailed employment information publicly. This not only represents the confidence of the school, but also greatly helps the applicant.

Disadvantages: Rotman's weakness is that, first of all, the degree of internationalization is low, losing much of the aura of Canada's first elite school, Rotman's international status will be greatly reduced. For example, the proportion of international students is only 40%, and 90% of the employment of students all work in Toronto. Second, employment is relatively narrow. The six major Canadian banks have recruited nearly 60 people. Together with foreign banks, insurance companies, etc., nearly 60% of the work in the financial services industry, plus nearly 20% of consultancy, the proportion of other industries is very small. Finally, rotman controls the proportion of Chinese students, and its harsh enrollment conditions require Chinese students to average more than 85 points. So if you want to enter the North American financial industry and you don't want to go back to the country immediately, Rotman should be a good choice.

Faculty: Many professors here are famous, such as Professor John C. Hull, director of the Bonharm Financial Center. He is an internationally recognized authority on derivatives, a financial textbook for domestic universities, “options futures and other Derivatives is translated from his book. He is currently my tutor, so if I have any problems, I can communicate with him directly and be able to accept his guidance.

School website:

Schulich School of Business at York University (16th in North America)


School Introduction: Schulich School of Business was established in 1966. It is located in Canada's largest city, Toronto North York, and is Canada's top business school. It is also a world-renowned business school. There are many celebrities who graduated from Schlick, such as the chief executive of Macau. It is worth mentioning that the chairman or CEO of the three major banks (TD, Scotiabank and RBC) of the top five Canadian banks graduated from Schlick. Its strategic alliance across more than 45 countries around the world covers academic exchange agreements with more than 20 major management colleges in North and South America, Asia and Europe, such as China’s Fudan University, Peking University, and Hong Kong University. The college’s innovative curriculum and global focus have attracted many private and commercial donors. Schulick’s accounting profession is recognized as Canada’s strongest and his financial profession has flourished in recent years.

Features: The employment rate is really good in the past two years. It is similar to Rotman. It is better than other schools. Chinese students have good employment and most of them can find jobs. It is mainly the improvement of employment environment for MBAs and their superior geographical position. Second, York's professional setup is very rich and flexible. In this regard, it is Canada's best. There are more than 20 directions in the second year. Basically, the majors that can be studied in the business department are all available, and the choice of face for employment is relatively wide. Especially in accounting, marketing, international business and other directions, York is very good, and York's tuition is relatively low, so the return rate can be.

Disadvantages: Schulich belongs to the college of York University. The reputation of York University is not as famous as the University of Toronto and the University of Western Ontario.

School website:

University of Western Ontario Richard Ivey School of Business (12th in North America)


School Introduction: Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario is a world-class business school located in London, Ontario. Ivey Business School was founded in 1922 and its mission is to develop business leaders with global thinking, strategic actions and social contributions. Ivey is Canada's best business school, and Harvard Business School is the birthplace of North American case teaching. Ivy Business School is located in London, the 11th largest city in Canada, located in Ontario, 200 kilometers west of Toronto. In addition to the rankings, the company’s recognition of graduates is the best proof that a considerable number of recent graduates can obtain employment opportunities in the world’s top 500 companies. Nearly six months after graduation, almost all students can find jobs. The alumni of Ivy School of Business are all over the top companies in Canada and other major companies around the world, and a considerable number of graduates have their own businesses. Therefore, the Ivy School Alumni Association has deep influence in North America and even the whole world.

Features: Ivey is different from these business schools in its case teaching method and student experience. The case teaching method, as the name suggests, puts things from the textbook middle school into practical life. Students will often discuss with their team members some of the cases given by professors and present them through lectures. In the process, they not only exercised Team Work's ability, but also public speaking, and the ability to effectively communicate their ideas.

 School website:





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