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  • 2017/12/7 7:30
  • ECanadaschool
  • view:673

Advantages of attending community college / college in Canada

Many parents in China want their children to go to university rather than community colleges, we usually say colleges. This is because that domestic colleges aim to the students who flunk in the entrance examination. Education system in Canada and China is very different. In fact, community colleges in Canada is more conducive to the cultivation of students' ability and employment rate is even higher than college graduates, let's briefly analyze several major advantages of community colleges in Canada.

1. The Canadian Community College aims at employment. The courses are more practical. Small classes are taught. Teaching in small classes is very practical and offers more career-related courses than those offered by the universities. They are all designed to meet the requirements of the commercial, industrial and Public service industry needs, and therefore the employment prospects are good, there are a lot of local students in Canada choosing community colleges, some of the undergraduates who can’t find a job will also choose to study in community colleges for a year or two, so that to find a job in the future.

2. Canadian Community College application threshold is low, in general, as long as IELTS scored 6 can be directly to their academic courses; without IELTS scores, some schools can also provide conditional offers. Firstly, students can study ELP program. At the same time, they also can choose some of the academic courses. This will not only save time, but also allow students to have a good environment for learning English when they first came to Canada.

3. Canadian Community Colleges have relatively low tuition fees, typically about 12,000 Canadian dollars a year, which is $ 4000-5000 cheaper than most universities. A diploma at a community college, usually takes less than four years two or three years. As long as you attend community colleges, you will receive a three-year work permit after graduation. 



4. After completing their studies at a community college, students may transfer their college credits to universities for further study. This means that after completing two years of community college credit, they can choose to work or choose to transfer to another university in the remaining two years after completing two years of community college credit. Therefore, you can get a college degree, you can also get a bachelor's degree. In the EE Fast Immigration scoring system, the 2-year college degree score is 91 (if single applicant), the 3-year college or 4-year undergraduate score is the same, 112 points, while the double degree is 119 points.



5. We all know that many college graduates find it hard to find a job after graduation. The only reason for this is that they have no working experience. Even though some universities offer internship opportunities, most of these internship opportunities require certain performance requirements before they can apply. Most of Canada's community colleges and enterprises have a good working relationship and provide a number of paid internship opportunities, students do not need performance requirements, you can have internship opportunities, and during internships students can make money, accumulates social experience and work experience, which has greatly increased the employment rate of graduates.

In the past consultation experience, we found that many Chinese parents had too much expectations on their children. Chinese mindset made them think that children should learn "decent" majors and become a successful person after graduation. The situation in Canada and their thinking is very different. Today's Canadian society has very few "blue-collar" and Canadian "white-collar workers," saying that they have truly achieved jobs irrespective of their status. Even many first-tier skilled workers have higher wages, better pay and higher social status than people sitting in office. Taking a diploma from a well-known vocational or technical college is more practical in terms of working in Canada or Immigration after graduation.



Some parents and students prefer to pursuing degree, went straight to the prestigious universities, the starting point set too high. As everyone knows, they are ignoring another significant difference between Canada and China in higher education. That is, Canadian universities are easy to enroll and graduated. This is exactly the opposite of "getting in and getting out of easy" in Chinese universities. If you can not adapt to the tense pace of learning to keep up with the progress of learning, it is likely to be "kicked out of school" or can not be specialized courses, and some students were even disqualified in the first semester, which must be Chinese students attach great importance local.

Canada has 175 community colleges that are members of the Canadian Association of Community Colleges and use a variety of official names, including "college, university college," and "college of general and vocational education" (CEGEP).