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Now we are following the fifth article. Today we will discuss how to quickly train my English and how to integrate it into Canadian society as soon as possible.[Detail]

Now we are following the fifth article. Today, we will continue to study overseas. - If I am not ready to go to Canada to study,[Detail]

Now we are following the fifth article. Today we will discuss - if I am not well at home, can I still enroll in a good university in Canada? What should I do?[Detail]

"2018 Canadian International Student Handbook[Detail]

Now we continue with the second article. Today we will discuss - what are the rankings of Canadian universities and how can I choose Canadian schools?[Detail]

Now we continue with the second article. Today we will discuss - After graduating from high school in Canada, do I still need college entrance examination or TOEFL/IELTS scores to go to college?[Detail]

Now we continue with the second article. Today we will discuss - if I enter a university or a profession that I don't like, can I change it?[Detail]

For study abroad in Canada, everyone has a different view, so today studying abroad tyrants list the most frequently asked questions of Canadian students studying in Canada.[Detail]

Vancouver has a population of 1.9 million people and a temperature of 5-27 degrees[Detail]

2018/3/6 12:58

TDSB summer camp is accepting applications now![Detail]